Group Therapy

There is a study that shows that people with Type 1 Diabetes make an extra 180 decisions daily and given the many factors that we have to account for to keep ourselves safe, that doesn’t surprise me. I am curious though about the extra thoughts that accompany those decisions and how easy it is to pass harsh judgement on ourselves when things inevitably don’t go to plan.

If you live with Type 1 you know that you can find yourself out of range because your morning shower was too cold, or you had to run for a bus, or someone cut you up in traffic or…. because it’s a day that ends in a ‘y’. You also have to deal with ignorance from the ‘Diabetes Police’ and sometimes face stigma & judgement even from those who are supposed to help. That’s not your fault….. and it would be nice to have a brain that understood that.

Sometimes Diabetes Sucks: Stop Beating Yourself Up! is a 12 week online therapy group that uses the principles of Compassion Focussed Therapy to address the internalised shame and stigma that can accompany T1D and to challenge the negative voice that many of us devlop. It is part peer support, part psychoeducation and part group therapy ran in weekly groups of 8 (max) other people living with Type 1.

Please note however that this is a psychological therapy group and cannot be used in lieu of medical input, specific medical questions relating to Type 1 Diabetes cannot be answered and are beyond the scope of this group.

2 groups are available one on Thursday evening between 6:30 - 8:45 pm and one on Sunday 2 - 4: 15 pm. The cost of the entire 12 weeks is £420 which can be paid weekly (£35 per session), monthly or upfront.

To enquire further please contact me below.

Contact Me

Please feel free to enquire about any of the services listed on this page. Please note that this is not a crisis service, if you feel unwell or unable to keep yourself safe please contact emergency services. This email is checked regularly but not outside operating hours.